The Joy of Giving

The Joy of Giving: I hear it a lot, especially during the holiday season. Last week, I mentioned Saint Nicholas and the tradition of leaving coins in the shoes of the poor. That tale embodies unselfishness.

The true essence of giving comes when pride is absent. The unselfish gift is powerful.

A true gift is given without expectation. It is given without a motive to receive something in return. Giving because there is a need lifts the spirits of the giver and the receiver.

There is a lot of talk in the business world about corporate social responsibility. When corporations donate money, people can view it cynically. The benevolence is often lost. The act of corporate giving takes on a selfish air when it’s promoted.

Successful corporations have a heart. It beats with a generous rhythm. They give from a place deeper than the line item on a budget or tax return.

At Custom Services, our social responsibility policy comes down to a simple philosophy: when it is the right thing to do, we do it.

Churches often contact Custom Services about congregation members who struggle with heating, air conditioning or plumbing challenges. No one wants to suffer in the extreme heat of Oklahoma summers or the frigid ice-storms in the winter. For those with health problems and financial difficulties, these extreme conditions can become life-threatening. Through churches and community organizations, we donate our services to help those in need, making their heating, cooling and plumbing systems safe.

Custom Services is here to serve our community.

Doing the right thing gives us the satisfaction of giving back to the community that has supports us for the last 33 years.

As we embrace another Christmas season, remember the giving spirit and help support your community. If you are looking for volunteer opportunities to help your neighbors in need, please contact these organizations:

Neighbor for Neighbor 

Tulsa Habitat for Humanity

Domestic Violence Intervention Services

I have found the secret to the gift of giving.

The secret: Giving without motive or expectation is a pure joy. A sense of true goodness and well-being overwhelms you. You want to replicate that feeling. The more you give, the more you are compelled to give.

Be compelled! Enjoy the gift.



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